BlackBerry Developers Blog
Big thanks to BlackBerry (and Michael from QtHelex) for the coverage of Vector Wars this week on the BlackBerry developer blog. The support of the community, BlackBerry and other developers is huge and goes a long way! If you get a chance, their Developer Blog is always worth reading and keeping up to date on whats happening in the BlackBerry space!
Cyber Monday Sale
As mentioned on CrackBerry earlier today, two FileArchiveHaven applications are on sale at 1/2 price for Cyber Monday!
Vector Wars
Check out the video:
You are a million miles from earth, floating on a giant spaceship, when your suddenly attacked by ferocious enemies! It sure is a good thing you took two days of training at the Academy… more or less. But don’t worry, your snarky sidekick will be glad to walk you through everything you need to get started.
The time has come to protect Anna, the folks on board the mothership, and bring the revenge of humankind on those wobbly space aliens!
Get it on BlackBerryWorld!
Text Edit HD
Now serving a Native BlackBerry 10 application for OS 10.3+, and the original AIR application for 10.2.1 and earlier
Whats New?
– Supports many file types including HTML, TXT, JS, QML, LOG files plus many more
– Works as card, can be used to open text files from any app – such as the browser!
– Customizable font sizes
– Simple, clutter free interface
– Stores and edits in plain text
– Supports invocation and file system access, so supported file-typed can be opened for editing
– Has character counts, find-on-page, find-more, revert document & more
– Supports changing from light to dark theme in the user settings
– Stores recently accessed lists
Get it on BlackBerryWorld!