Minecraft Pocket Edition Released for Mobile Phones
Thats right! Minecraft has finally been released for mobile phones. Specifically: The Xperia PLAY. The application is available in the Android store for ~7$ CAN, and the Xperia Play Android phones are running about 400$ CAN (eBay pricing).
The good news, is that Mojang is moving it to all Android devices in one months time with an iOS build in the works. That takes care of the Android tablets and iPad. The pressure is now on RIM for the Playbook to add their Android emulator soon if their users want access to Minecraft. This only raises the question of HP tablet owners and tablet owners from other manufacturers.
The only down side I can foresee to Minecraft Portable is the removal of enemies. The intention is for a more portable game play style.
An alternative for full Minecraft support on a Tablet is to purchase an Acer Inspire tablet (~399$) which runs Windows 7 32bit with 16GB of disk space. It has a 5 hour battery life.
Well, regardless, way to go Mojang, this app has great selling potential on any platform.