Resolving Unusual Flash Builder Issues

Hi folks,

I’ve had two uncommon issues with flash builder 4.7 (or rather, with eclipse I suppose).

I wanted to write these down for other users.

Error trying to setup a debug target

This was a unique one.  When I tried to access a project today, it would not let me create a debug target.  Restarting didn’t help. Doing a clean rebuild didn’t help.  But then I saw this error message at the top of the debug screen:

  • Flash builder this project does not contain any applications

So, what the heck does that mean?  Well, it means that one of the settings files for your project has no applications listed.

Browse to the root of your application folder and open

  • .actionScriptProperties

In the text editor of your choice. I recommend Notepad++ of course.  You’ll see this:


That’s bad.  You may want to change to read like this:

<application path=””>
Flash Builder Won’t Launch

Now I’ve already posted this one a few times.  But once in a while my Flash Builder just decides to hate me and won’t launch.  This has been happening to me since going to Flash Builder 4.7 with BlackBerry 10.

This fix is much simpler.


  • Right click on Start and press Open Windows Explorer
  • Browse to C:\Users\%username%\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7\.metadata\plugins\org.eclipse.ui.workbench
  • Rename workbench.xml to workbench.old
    • Note:  This file is causing the crash once loaded into FB.  Removing this file let me still access my old projects in the workspace.
  • Browse to C:\Users\%username%\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7\.metadata\
  • Delete .lock
    • Note:  the .lock file stops Adobe Flash Builder from launching in some cases
  • Re-launch FB4.7.

If it still fails:

  • Right click on Start and press Open Windows Explorer
  • Browse to C:\Users\%username%\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7\
  • Rename .metadata to old.metadata
  • Relaunch FB4.7
  • For all your missing workspace projects, right click on the blank project list and use Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.  They should be in C:\Users\%username%\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7\ by default
    • Warning:  Using this second instruction set will remove your list of projects from FB and requirea new import

More info on this one, I posted up here:

Anyway, back to coding!